Elementor Page Speed Course

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Elementor page speed course banner

Speed up your Elementor WordPress site course - FREE

Are you ready to speed up your Wordpress Elementor site and get it to PASS all Google Web Vitals with flying colours?

Are you wanting to LEARN HOW TO :

  • speed up an existing WordPress site built with Elementor page builder?
  • build a new WordPress site using Elementor page builder that loads super fast?

Then let’s dive in!

If you have a WordPress site but are not using Elementor then:

You are in the right place

Are you wanting :

  • More free traffic?
  • More sales?
  • Ongoing top ranking for your new content?
  • Cheaper Google Ads?
  • Page speeds you are proud of and your competitors are jealous of!

Then you are in the right place — sign up for my Elementor page speed course today.

Many think Elementor is slow

It’s a common held misconception that Elementor is slow at it’s core.

This is simply not true.

It’s a stallion that just needs training! — By you!

I thought Elementor was slow until...

I had heard Elementor sites were slow and that there was not a lot you could do about it. 

And most of the Elementor sites I’ve done speed work on over the last couple of years were super complicated to try to speed up. 

Most of them ended up being too expensive for clients to pay me to fix!

In the end I did not get the opportunity to work out HOW to speed up Elementor sites (or how not to make them slow in the first place!).

Until now!

And then ...

A page speed buddy of mine gave me some Elementor page speed tips and showed me a site they built with Elementor that was RED HOT and loaded in less than 1 second on EVERY PAGE of their site.

This got me super excited to build my own site using Elementor — crunchlets.com — this site.

I now know from experience that you can build a WordPress site using Elementor and make it load super fast — with pages loading in less than one second.

You just have to do some specific things.

And that is where this Elementor page speed course came from.

I share everything I learned with you so you can pass all Google Web Vitals and have a fast site

I spent many hours working out the simplest way to build an Elementor site that loads super fast and passes all Google Web Vitals.

I ran literally 100’s of page speed tests to test all the different options and methods.

I have refined all my knowledge, along with a lot of my existing 5-year-plus page speed knowledge into this course, saving you from many countless hours twisted in confusion and stress in front of your laptop!

The price you pay for this course will be recovered in a few days to a few weeks, and then after that, you gain from your investment in time and money for years to come.

What you get - FOR FREE

I have refined all the things I have learned into a 1 hour course split into just over 17 lessons.

You can implement my solutions step by step on your existing Elementor site or on any future Elementor site you build.

Here’s another 5 key benefits you receive by taking this course:

1) – No need to sift through countless and often conflicting free articles to find answers to your Elementor speed issues.

2) – No need to spend hours and hours trying to work out the best speed techniques by trial an error doing speed test after speed test — I break everything you need down into nice simple steps.

3) – You get to understand how page speed makes you money because your content will rank higher on Google because it loads a lot faster than your competitors.

4) – You learn how to maintain your page speed over time especially when 3rd party developers work on your site and how to get them to keep your site running fast.

5) – And of course you get ME — I have personally worked on speed optimizing over 250 sites over the last 5 years (most of them WordPress sites), so any issue you have I have found a solution to it. 

David Anttony page speed consultant

Why learn with me! (?)

When I was 16 years old, and in my last year at high school, I was asked what I wanted to do for a job. I said I wanted to work in computers. 

Right from school I got a job as a trainee computer programmer, then a systems analyst three years later, and then a contract self-employed programmer two years after that.

I have been in and around IT most of my working adult life.

And one thing has remained constant for me – I love solving IT problems and making things simpler.

And that is what I do with all my courses. I focus on refining all the complicated issue and condense things into simple solutions that work and get results.

So if you are keen to get your Elementor sites running red hot fast let’s get started!

Let's talk price!

You cannot beat FREE ehh!

Access my page speed optimization courses for FREE on YouTube or Udemy

Want to know if I walk the talk ?

Here’s the speed report for this page:

GTmetrix elementor page speed rating
Google page speed

Fully loaded time is 704ms  { < 1 second }
LCP { Largest Contentful Paint } is 601ms  { just over 1/2 second }

Doing nothing is an option IF ...

So doing nothing is an option for you of course — and you just live with poor site speed — which directly translates to reduced income from your websites. 

However, you will find it’s better to bite the bullet now and learn the speed skills and then reap the rewards for years to come. 

And even if you feel to sub out the page optimization work — I can do that for you — I would STILL RECOMMEND you do this course because it will help you SUSTAIN your ranking by changing the way you create new content.

Investing just an hour of your time and $97 will give you key insights that will make sure you are always ahead in the page speed game and never get left behind.


Frequent questions ...

For sure yes – they are all now FREE!

Yes you can create a temporary site on Cloudways – getus.at/cloudways

If you watch the staging server module you learn how to do this. You can preview this module for free. View here: crunchlets.podia.com

You have an option then to clone a copy of your current site to Cloudways to use for this course — or just use a blank WordPress site and load in Elementor.

Yes I highly recommend you invest in Elementor Pro. This will allow you to get the best value from this course.

However, a good 90% to 95% of this course will still be valid if you only have the free Elementor builder.

If you decide to move your site hosting to Cloudways then of course you will set your domain name to point to the Cloudways system.

However, for testing purposes Cloudways gives you a full temporary URL that has SSL installed.

If you avail of their 3 day FULL free trial it will cost you nothing. You don’t even need a credit card.

So if you complete this course within 3 days there is no cost.

If you decide to keep the testing site longer it will just cost you 1.3c per hour or $10 per month on the cheapest Digital Ocean server {valid as of Sept 2022}.




Not a single bit of programming is needed.

Phew ehh!


The video modules are just over 1 hour in total.

The course is designed so that you put things into practice as you learn so you are given access to the modules over a period of 6 days.

Elementor speed course intro video

Here’s a preview of the intro video.

Watch on YouTube:  youtube.com/watch?v=9DfGO6MEmnU

Access my page speed optimization courses for FREE on YouTube or Udemy